How To Get Inside The Enemy OODA Loop

Dr. Jamie Schwandt
2 min readOct 9, 2018
Created by Dr. Jamie Schwandt via

The point of this short article is to quickly discuss how to get inside the enemy OODA Loop using an idea I call “Swarm-Square” to illustrate my point. Click the following links for a more in-depth discussion on: The OODA Loop and Swarming.

In Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives, Tim Harford describes the OODA Loop and the messy tactics of Erwin Rommel and The Phantom Major. Below you will find two separate Swarm Squares: Simple Rules for Messy Tactics and Simple Rules for Getting Inside the Enemy OODA Loop. The cover image is a combination of the two.

Simple Rules for Messy Tactics

Created by Dr. Jamie Schwandt via

Rule #1: Get into a position of opportunity.

Rule #2: Improvise around obstacles.

Rule #3: Move faster than those who try to stop you.

Synthesis: Change the situation faster than your adversary can figure out what’s going on.

Simple Rules for Getting Inside The Enemy OODA Loop



Dr. Jamie Schwandt

Dr. Schwandt (Ed.D.) is an American author, L6S master black belt, and red teamer.